Software Engineering — Labs

This course consists of four blocks. Each block requires a completed lab handin. Each handin consist of several exercises.

It is reasonable to assume that handins will not be completed during scheduled lab time, and thus you are encouraged to also work on your own.

Each handin should be handed in to Studentportalen, only when it is entirely completed. Do not hand in individual exercises.

Follow the handin specification of each handin. Ident all code properly. Exercise reasonable naming conventions.

Group work is allowed. Max two persons per group. Collaboration must be carried out on a full handin, not on individual exercises.

Handins are only graded as pass/fail. Partial handins are not marked.

There is only one supplementary deadline at the end of the course. Handins given after this deadline will not be marked until the next time the course is run (i.e. next year).

If you didn't write/create the code/text/diagram yourself, then it is cheating. If you can't explain the code/text/diagram you claim to have written/creted, then it is cheating. Cheating is a legal matter. Any case of cheating will be forwarded to the appropriate institution. Do not cheat.

When an exercise has tests, always make sure the tests are passing before handing in your solution. Do not hand in partilly completed work.

You're expected to prepare for each lab before the actual occasion as much as needed. Apart from the lectures and course literature be sure to take a look at the study material and resources archive.