Software Engineering Labs
- The labs consists of four blocks.
- Block 1, 2, and 3, consists of...
- A mandatory code hand in.
- A mandatory written opposition of someone else's code hand in.
- A mandatory presentation of the other person's code hand in and your opposition at the block seminar.
- mandatory active participation in the block seminar.
- Multiple optional exercises that help you approach the final hand in.
- optional but highly encouraged physical participation in the lab sessions.
- Failure to complete a mandatory step...
- ...(regardless of reason) has to be made up for by a written hand in.
- ...has to be made up for before the one and only supplementary deadline at the end of the course (hand ins after the last deadline will be dealt with next year).
- Cheating is...
- ...handing in something that you did not create by yourself.
- ...handing in something you are unable to explain.
- ...a legal matter and will be handled as such.
- Group work is...
- ...mandatory.
- ...when 2 (or 3 if total is uneven) people both work on and understand(!) the same code base.
- ...not dividing up the work between you so that one person writes text, and the other writes code.
- Lab and seminar work is graded as pass or fail.
- Deadlines, hand in areas, and groups (chosen by you) are found on Studentportalen.
Apart from the lectures and course literature, please see the study material archive for more guidance.
Please make sure you read and understand the lab guidelines.
Please make sure you read and understand the seminar & opposition instructions.